Wednesday, February 14, 2007


My Litte Princess

February 14, 2007

This is not a catch up post. I was thinking I wouldn't update anything until I caught up on the rest of the trip, but I couldn't help posting about Zorah, my little princess. If you haven't figured it out by now, my little girl is really into princess stuff. Maybe it is because we had her watch Cinderella at a young age. And she loves playing dress up games on the computer. I guess we all had paper dolls and Fashion Plates etc when we were little.

Trying to limit the amount of activities she does which reinforce the importance of image, I have her trace letters, read a book by herself, or other random, more mentally challenging and productive tasks before allowing the dress up stuff. At first I told her if she could find the dress up games herself, she could play. She figured that out within 2 minutes. She went to Google, which is her home page, typed a "d", and "dress up games" came up on the auto complete. Then she clicked search and found the ultimate guide to dress up games.

What's the point? Well, she ended up at a few sites which actually sold dress up clothes, and has been asking for a new dress (or costume). I said she could save up her money to buy one, but that we wouldn't since she doesn't need a new dress. Then we opened her kitty bank, and I tried to explain the value of the coins and add them all together. I am hoping if we do this regularly she will start to get more math. And what motivation! A sparkly Disney costume with which to plague us! She will want to wear it everywhere if she actually ends up saving enough to get one.

So what is she doing right now? She is on eBay looking at princess costumes. LOL.

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