Tuesday, July 18, 2006


A Cute Story

So if you have been reading my posts, few as they are, you must know I have been selling everything (or trying to) on eBay. Let me tell an anecdote which reflects this ridiculous endeavor.

Two days ago, horseflies started showing up by our pool. Man! Their bites hurt! I didn't know flies could bite! They are as itchy and painful as spider bites. Maybe they aren't horseflies. Maybe they are actually denizens of hell.

Well, in any case, they were harrassing Zorah and me. Brian asked Zorah what we should do about them. And what did Zorah say? "Sell them on eBay!"

Here she is in one of our moving boxes. Why does she like fitting herself into boxes? The other day she tried to squeeze herself into one that was way too small. It toppled over, of course, with her in it. She was understandably upset, except for the fact that she hurt herself trying to get into a box...

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