Thursday, September 14, 2006


A Picture of The Hitches

Here are some visual aids to allow you better to comprehend my situations with denting my head and hooking the truck to the trailer.

I banged my head on the corner of this hitch, which is built onto the trailer. It was the corner on the right, but there isn't any blood, hair, or skin stuck to it anymore. Just kidding. There weren't any visible remnants of my head there anyway.

And here is the part in the bed of the truck, into which you have to maneuver my nemesis, the hitch. I actually did it on my third try a few days ago. Not bad!

I know I haven't gotten to this point chronologically in my blog, but, alas, juice was spilled on my laptop, and I have sent it in for repairs. Thus, I can only update in dribs and drabs such as this one. Enjoy the anticipation until my next installment!

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