Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Circus Circus KOA, Las Vegas, NV II

September 20, 2006

The next day we went over to the Riviera to see if anyone we knew had shown up yet at the foosball tournament, but did nothing really memorable until later on, when I took Zorah to Circus Circus. Being true to their name, they have free circus acts in the middle of the casino. What they don't tell you is that there is anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes between acts. Anyway, she wanted to see them, so we went after dinner. Brian was at the foosball. The "pride and joy of Circus Circus was these two men here.
It's no wonder; I mean, what strength and balance. However, it was also a bit strange to see these two bald headed men in skin tight pants strolling and rolling around each other in slow motion and doing these balancing acts. I have to say it was a must see. A marvel of physicality and homoeroticism, I suppose. Zorah thought it was pretty cool and insisted I take these pictures, which I now share with you.

It was close to midnight by the time they were done, so we headed home. Z was getting cranky. See? Besides having finished way past her bedtime, she had been hoping to see clowns since before we got here, and there were none at the show. One would think that it would be easy to see clowns at Circus Circus. Oh, well. Zorah had been dying to go to a children's museum, so we Googled one and decided to take the trip the next day after dropping the truck off for some work. If we couldn't see clowns, we could at least see a children's museum.

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