Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Stephanie's House, Truckee, CA, Part II

September 14, 2006

Since everything right now is a bit vague, I am only going to hit the high points of our trip. Wednesday we pretty much just relaxed. Thursday, we went with Evan on a short hike in order to see Lake Tahoe. Of course, Zorah insisted on wearing her dress for the hike, but she consented to wear sneakers instead of sandals for practical purposes. So after lunch, we drove out towards the trail. Brian was driving really slowly for him, five miles below the speed limit or so, admiring the scenery. With its steep mountains, conifers, and the twisted black shapes of burnt out trees, it really was something.

Until we heard honking behind us. Actually, it was more like a continuous horn blast.

We turned around to see a diesel Mercedes tailgating us. Inside was an angry old lady, jamming down on the horn and weaving a bit in the lane as she tried to find some way to pass us! Apparently, she had very important places to go. On a windy, two lane road, there was nowhere for us to go, and no way she could pass us. So for the twenty minute drive to Eagle Rock, we were plagued. Why did Brian not go faster? I don't know. Evan assured us that she must not be from this area. Whether she was or she wasn't, it was pretty entertaining. How often is Brian asked to drive faster, much less from an old lady in a diesel Mercedes.

When we finally got there, she gave us one more honk, and probably the bird, though I didn't look.

The hike was great. We went up a trail to a steep dirt path, then climbed up the face of the rock. Everyone helped Zorah up. We wandered slowly up and up until we reached the top, and this wonderful view of the lake.

Zorah kept trying to explore on her own, on uneven, precarious rocks. I got that vertigo feeling (vertiginous?) watching her, and finally asked her to stay away from the edge. I didn't need that kind of excitement.

It was starting to get late, so we headed back down the slope and started driving when we came across a small beach. Zorah insisted on trying to swim, even though it was windy and a bit chilly. So we got her into her swimsuit and she waded in to about her ankles before deciding it was too cold. Still, she had fun throwing rocks and playing with Rex in the shallows. Crazy kid!

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