Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Wendover KOA, Wendover, NV

September 8-9, 2006

My camera wasn't set to the right time, either 12 hours ahead or behind. I'm not sure which, but I think behind. And it's been so long since we went through these places, I don't really know either. In any case, I suppose the actual dates don't matter as much as what we did. So I'll try not to go too anal on it.

We left Utah happy to continue on our way west. We were in such a hurry to rejoin our adventure that we neglected breakfast and stopped at a rest area by the Great Salt Lake for a quick picnic lunch. This afforded me another opportunity to take a picture of that strange phenomenon, the Salt Lake.

Zorah, meanwhile, enjoyed her lunch of gazpacho and a ham sandwich.

When we continued driving, we saw some really incredible cloud formations. If you have been reading this at all, you will know how into clouds I am. We have seen a lot of clouds, having driven thousands of miles. I have never seen ones like this before. Maybe it is a Utah thing. Look at it! It's like a funnel! Weeeird. Some people say that clouds like this are actually camouflage for alien ships.

On the other side of the highway the clouds looked like a smack of jellyfish complete with tentacles stringing down.
The picture doesn't do it justice. Coupled with the salt flat landscape, it was totally unreal. If any of you know what's up with these things, please let me know. Sorry to have dwelt so much on them, but seeing these for me was like having your dog talk to you or maybe like seeing a tree with dayglo leaves. I don't know.

Enough, right? Okay. We hit Wendover, which is the first town as you cross into Nevada. Though Pacific Time is supposed to start in Nevada, this town was special. Wendover, being as close to Utah as possible, caters to Utah gamblers and keeps their time in Mountain Time!

Anyway, we had planned to drive as far as possible, and this was about as far as we felt we could go. So we stopped here at another KOA. I don't know if I have specifically mentioned these campgrounds, but they are kind of like the McDonald's of campgrounds. They are everywhere and are consistent in their offerings. Of course, KOAs don't destroy your liver and kidneys, or lead to obesity either, but you see what I'm getting at. This one, I was amazed to see, even had the KOA logo in the pool. Neato!

As we relaxed poolside, Brian visited the casinos and played a bit of poker. He did quite well, amazed at the bizarre playing style of Utah-people. Utahans? Utavians? Whatever. I won't go into details, but in any case, we were happy to leave with some additional cash and a good night's sleep. Zorah was so exhausted from our exciting journey that she fell asleep on the kitchen floor! I didn't leave her there, of course. I allowed her 20 minutes to reach a deep sleep level, then put her on the bed.

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